4 Ways to Fix Uneven Heating

February 16, 2022
Uneven Heating in Lake Charles, LA

One of the most frustrating problems people have to deal with is when their heating system isn’t working properly. Uneven heating in your home can be caused by several different factors, including leaking air ducts and dirty furnace filters. To ensure proper warmth throughout your household, here are four ways to fix uneven heating.

1. Clean Your Furnace Filters

This step is very important because without clean air vents, the air can’t circulate properly throughout your home. Dirty filters can cause a chain reaction within your heating system. Check your furnace filter every month, and change it if it looks dirty. It’s also important that you get a filter that’s compatible with your system’s size; otherwise, the unit will not heat your residence properly.

2. Fix Any Leaking Air Ducts

Leaking air ducts are a leading cause of uneven heating in your home. Air can leak out of your ducts without you knowing it. If this happens, the warm air will escape the ducts and won’t go into rooms that need it most. The best thing about fixing leaking air ducts is that you don’t have to replace them or install new ones. Rather, you can simply seal up any cracks with foil tape.

3. Get a Programmable Thermostat

This is one of the most convenient ways to fix uneven heating in your house. A programmable thermostat allows you to adjust the temperature at specific times when you’re not physically there. This is perfect for people who come home late, are out a lot, or travel often. You can program the thermostat to adjust your temperature and save you money and energy.

4. Insulate Your Home

Insulating your house will ensure that you have a comfortable temperature throughout your indoor spaces. If your windows or doors are leaky, it can cause an unbalanced atmosphere.

Fixing your heating system can be frustrating and costly, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these four steps, you’ll be able to ensure that your home is warm and comfortable during the winter season.

If you’re in Lake Charles, LA, and facing uneven heating problems, turn to us at ACR Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. for heating tune-ups, air conditioning repair, and heating system replacements. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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