Reasons to Invest in Carbon Monoxide Testing
Carbon monoxide, chemically known as CO, is a simple chemical compound found naturally throughout nature. Just one oxygen atom away from carbon dioxide, one of the atmosphere’s most prevalent compounds, carbon monoxide isn’t as safe as its more-common counterpart. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that more than 50,000 Americans visit emergency rooms each year due to carbon monoxide exposure. You should invest in in-home carbon monoxide testing; here are several reasons why.
Detect Broken Appliances
Most American homes have nearly a dozen appliances, ranging from toaster ovens to water heaters. Any appliances that produce heat also produce carbon monoxide. Some common heat-producing appliances include water heaters, gas-powered dryers, fireplaces and wood stoves. With carbon monoxide detection, you could catch signs of malfunctioning appliances that you otherwise wouldn’t have known about.
Potentially Lower Home Insurance Costs
Although home insurance might not be as popular as auto or health insurance policies, the majority of American households are covered by home insurance. While home insurance costs might already be low, carbon monoxide detection systems are proven to reduce monthly premiums. If you’re interested in reaping this benefit, make sure to ask your insurer what models they recognize for discounts.
It Can Save Your Life
The United States has the world’s third-largest population, home to approximately 330 million people. Although numbers vary from year to year, the CDC suggests more than 425 Americans die annually as a result of accidental carbon monoxide exposure. If you’re like most people, you probably don’t feel an urge to install a carbon monoxide detection system after comparing these two statistics. However, you shouldn’t be willing to risk your life over something as affordable as a carbon monoxide detection system. At ACR Air Conditioning & Heating in Lake Charles, LA, we install these home CO detection systems throughout the area at affordable rates.
With all of its technicians certified by North American Technician Excellence (NATE), ACR Air Conditioning & Heating is one of Lake Charles’ most trusted HVAC companies. Reach out to ACR today for your carbon monoxide detection, heating or cooling needs!